Rose B. Miller, 19041967 (age 63 years)

Rose B. Miller
Birth March 17, 1904 41 35

Birth of a sisterAlma Miller
August 5, 1906 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a brotherAlbert Miller
November 5, 1908 (Age 4 years)

Birth of a brotherFred Miller
1912 (Age 7 years)

Death of a sisterHelena Miller
May 11, 1920 (Age 16 years)

Death of a motherHenrietta Nicklaus
May 7, 1941 (Age 37 years)

Death of a fatherAugust Miller
October 5, 1944 (Age 40 years)

Death of a brotherCarl A. Miller
June 21, 1957 (Age 53 years)

Death May 13, 1967 (Age 63 years)

Family with parents
elder sister
14 years
younger brother
-16 years
elder brother
19 months
elder sister
7 years
2 years
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
-16 years
elder brother
10 years
elder brother
-8 years
elder sister
Family with Walter J. Novak